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More Information

Information for GP's

We value your referrals, thank you. I am unfortunately not in a position to to issue reports on every patient seen. If you need a report back please mention this in the referral letter and provide an email address where you can be reached. Sibongile, the admin manager is available on +27 63 951 1374 / +27 (10) 900 I am more than happy to be phoned by referring GP’s if you need to discuss a case. Please ask your assistant  to phone Sibongile to arrange. If you are referring a dear friend or family member, and would like to assist during surgery, please mention this in the referral note.

Info for referring  ENT’s other specialists

I appreciate the time and effort taken to visit my website. We welcome any referrals from colleagues and will endeavour to work together for the benefit of patients. In your referral letter please include all information on previous nasal surgery you have. You are welcome to assist, if you wish, please state in your referral letter.

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